
Element’s ID in Navisworks and Revit are different for the same element

Creating a .nwc file exports for Navisworks with "Convert Element ID's" box checked from Revit does not respect the ID in Revit proper.  These element’s ID in Navisworks and Revit are different for the same element. This is the same issue when Clarity Task Processor exports to NWC for publish tasks for NWC file or to GLUE.

This setting must be setup on all versions Navisworks Exporter for Revit.


1 reply

you can create a Reg Hack to apply this setting on all task processors

this is for Navisworks Exporter 2018.

copy and paste this text to a text file and save it as "NavisWorks-FirstObjectElemenIDFixR18.reg"

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Autodesk\Navisworks Exporters x64\15.0\GlobalOptions\interface\selection]
"resolution"="8 26:RoamerGUI_PickResolution:2First Object"